How To Apply Lip Gloss

The application of makeup should be an extension of a womans personal style. There is no conceivable way any woman can decide on a style of makeup without considering what clothing she is wearing, shoes, bag and for what occasion.

1. Select a neutral color like clear or wear a lip gloss that matches, complements or contrast with clothing

2. Match the lip gloss to a lip liner that is the color of your clothing red dress, red lip gloss. Pink dress, pink lip gloss

3. Apply the lip liner first, corner to center, for the upper and lower lip then apply the lip gloss the same way.

4. Lip gloss goes on after the lip stick and lip liner application.

5. Do not over use the lip gloss, apply a little at a time to the upper and lower lips

6. Lip gloss and lip liner alone make a great fashion statement especially when a woman has good skin.

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